Program Description
The Los Angeles Transition-Age Youth Service Integration Program (LA TAYSIP) aimed to address the needs of transition-age youth (TAY) who had co-occurring developmental disabilities and mental health disorders. Westside Regional Center, in partnership with North Los Angeles County Regional Center, conducted a targeted needs assessment of TAY (14 – 25 years of age) and coordinated outreach efforts to individuals and agencies working with TAY with dual diagnoses residing in Western and Northern Los Angeles County.
The first component of the LA TAYSIP was to develop a profile of TAY with dual diagnoses and identify the needs and strengths of this population as well as barriers faced when transitioning to adulthood.
The second component was to augment interagency partnership by increasing skills and knowledge, providing a forum for collaboration, developing shared language, exchanging information, and increasing community capacity to serve TAY with dual diagnoses. Targeted outcomes included:
Project Blueprint
To encourage statewide replication of this project, LA TAYSIP created a project blueprint. This blueprint outlines a step-by-step action plan for each component of the project. It is meant to be a guide that includes an overview of the project, its goals and its implementation.