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Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA)

About Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs)
for Dual Diagnosis Project


Program Description

Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) for Dual Diagnosis Project aims to increase competencies of mental health providers via trainings on EBPs for individuals with dual diagnosis. EBPs are treatments that have been shown through clinical research to produce positive outcomes for clients and their families. To learn more about evidence-based interventions available for implementation, please visit

Anticipated Outcomes Include:

  1. Increase clinical knowledge and improve understanding of how to adapt selected EBPs to provide mental health services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
  2. Individual client outcomes will be measured based on EBPs self-reported by clinicians and they may include: decreased child maladaptive behaviors and/or improved social competence, increase parental competence and/or decreased stress, and/or higher level of parental self-efficacy in handling home and work responsibilities.

Training Events for Clinicians:

  1. Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  2. Seeking Safety
  3. Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  4. Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Workshop
  5. Seeking Safety with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Workshop
  6. Triple P--Positive Parenting Program
  7. Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy