
The Los Angeles Transition-Age Youth Service Integration Program

This project aimed to address the needs of transition-age youth (TAY) with co-occurring developmental disabilities and mental health disorders. We conducted a targeted needs assessment of TAY (14 – 25 years of age) and coordinated outreach efforts to individuals and agencies working with TAY with dual diagnoses residing in Western and Northern Los Angeles County.


  • to develop a profile of TAY with dual diagnoses and identify the needs and strengths of this population as well as barriers faced when transitioning to adulthood
  • to augment interagency partnership by increasing skills and knowledge, providing a forum for collaboration, developing shared language, exchanging information, and increasing community capacity to serve TAY with dual diagnoses.

During the needs assessment, we learned that TAY and their families go through significant changes in their lives. As a way to cope with this upheaval, sometimes TAY and their families might avoid making timely decisions about housing, post-secondary school options, health care, etc. We introduced Motivational Interviewing (MI) as a communication tool l for service coordinators and counselors who work with TAY.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based, client centered communication tool that helps elicit change in someone and improve engagement. Through MI, service coordinators and counselors can assist TAY and their families to be as active as possible in transitioning from school to work, day programs, independent or supported living, obtaining adult medical insurance, etc. MI can improve family cooperation, help to set the agenda for change, and increase motivation of TAY and their families, which may produce better outcomes along the path to adulthood.

Flyer: Motivational Interviewing: A Tool to Engage Transition-Age Youth and their Families
Trainer: Liz Barnett, MSW, PhD
Curriculum: Motivational Interviewing: A Tool to Engage Transition-Age Youth and their Families
Reference Guides: “Motivational Interviewing Roadmap” and “Things to Remember…..”

We also created a TAY Collaborative, service available to service coordinators and counselors working with TAY to assess individual needs and timely planning for upcoming transitions. We brought specialists from varying systems (education, mental health, probation, regional center, medical) together to sort out complexities of care resulting from challenging conditions and transitions across different systems of care.

We also developed an online resource directory to identify and locate services, organizations and general information that support transition-age youth (TAY) who are dually diagnosed with developmental disabilities and mental health conditions.

Project Summary

To encourage statewide replication of this project, we created a PROJECT BLUEPRINT. This blueprint outlines a step-by-step action plan for each component of the project. It is meant to be a guide that includes an overview of the project, its goals, implementation, and evaluation.

TAY Online Resource Directory

TAY Online Resource Directory has been developed to help you locate services, organizations and general information that support transition-age youth (TAY) who are dually diagnosed with developmental disabilities and mental health conditions. We hope this directory helps to address the needs of TAY and their family as they transition into adulthood*.

Community Program Resources

Family Support Resources

General Resources
Developmental Disabilities
Legal Services & Information

Health & Wellness
Mental & Behavioral Health Agencies

Reach Across L.A. provides this TAY Online Resource Directory to users to aid in the successful transition of transition age youth into adulthood. The website is provided as an informational service only and does not constitute and should not be relied upon as an official record. Content on the webpages is produced from sources believed to be reliable. We make no representation, expressed or implied, that the information on this site is complete, timely, or accurate. No warranty expressed or implied is made regarding: accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, freedom from contamination by computer viruses, or usefulness of any information. We make no endorsement of any agency or their services.