

Developmental Disability Diagnosis

Understanding Autism: A Parent’s Guide

Understanding Cerebral Palsy: A Parent’s Guide

Understanding Down Syndrome: A Parent’s Guide

Understanding Epilepsy: A Parent’s Guide

Understanding Intellectual Disability: A Parent’s Guide


Westside Mental Health Network Directory
The Westside Mental Health Network Directory provides listings of available local community mental health resources in West Los Angeles County.

LA MHaDDE Resource Directory
The LA MHaDDE Resource Directory provides mental health and developmental disabilities resource listings of available local community resources in West and North Los Angeles Counties.


Notice: These links are provided as resources only. Clicking on any of the following links will take you to a third party website. Reach Across L.A. is not responsible for the privacy policies or content of any third party websites.

The Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA)
ARCA represents twenty-one (21) regional centers in California that provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities. ARCA’s function is to support the purpose, intent and mandate of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act. Located in Sacramento, ARCA is an advocate, promoting action, legislation and public policy on all matters affecting the well being of persons with developmental disabilities.

The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
DDS is the agency through which the State of California provides services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities.

Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
For over 60 years, CDC has been dedicated to protecting health and promoting quality of life through the prevention and control of disease, injury, and disability.

DDS Safety Net
The purpose of the SafetyNet is to ensure that Californians with developmental disabilities are safe and healthy. The website contains articles, presentations and tools that both individuals with developmental disabilities and their supporters (direct support professionals, family members and other support providers) will find relevant, practical and engaging.

Disability Rights California
Disability Rights California works to advance the human and legal rights of Californians with disabilities.

The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH)
LA County DMH’s mission is to enrich lives through partnership designed to strengthen the community’s capacity to support recovery and resiliency. It works with its stakeholders and community partners to provide clinically competent, culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate mental health services to their clients in the least restrictive manner possible.

Tarjan Center at UCLA
The Tarjan Center provides leadership in education, research and innovative practices that supports the quality of life and community inclusion of all people with disabilities. It also serves as a bridge between the university and persons with disabilities from state, regional and local communities, state and local government agencies and community providers

USC University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
The USC University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (USC UCEDD) at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is a nationally recognized leader in developing and supporting quality services and systems for individuals with, or at risk for, behavioral, developmental, and/or special health care needs and their families.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. NAMI has a national organization as well as state organizations and local affiliates in more than 1,100 communities across the country.

The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (NADD)
NADD is the leading North American expert in providing professionals, educators, policy makers, and families with education, training, and information on mental health issues relating to persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Network of Care
Network of Care is a highly interactive, single information place where individuals, community-based organizations and municipal government workers all can go to easily access a wide variety of important information, including developmental disabilities and mental/behavioral health.

Westside Family Resource & Empowerment Center
The Westside Family Resource and Empowerment Center is dedicated to building a strong community that provides information, resources and support to parents, families, professionals and members of the community leading them to create successful partnerships that enhance the lives of infants, children, youth and adults with special needs.